Ultimate hopes you enjoy this video with simple lessons in effective planning and goal setting.
Lesson #1 encourages you to take the first step and organise a meeting with key members of your team. Value your team's input as no man and no business is an island!
Establish your ultimate goal for your business and also quantify it in monetary terms.
Establish a core team of participants from across your organisation, so that you have a cross section of ideas and goals.
Establish a Date for Discussion.
Invite agenda items prior to the meeting date so you can co-ordinate ideas and arrange a definitive timeline for discussion so you don't waste time deliberating over the same items. Include popular items on the agenda. Distribute the agenda a week prior to the meeting. Appoint a facilitator to take minutes and keep time. And finally, STICK TO THE DATE!
Next Lesson will help you to set up the meeting agenda.
Ultimate have a variety of products available to help you organise and facilitate that meeting. View these products online now or email info@ultimate.ie with your office organisation requirements.